Promoção de Novembro




Realize a sua inscrição em um ou mais cursos pela internet e ganhe acesso por 30 dias ao curso on-line de inglês ou espanhol.

Promoção válida para pagamentos confirmados no período do dia 01/11/2010 até 30/11/2010.

Vagas Limitadas!

Promoção não válida para cursos pagos com e-Ducs, com desconto de 100%, rematrículas, curso de idiomas, palestras e cursos de pós-graduação.



Conteúdo Programático do curso online Inglês Completo (sem aulas ao vivo)

Acesso grátis por 30 dias

Data de início: 02/12/2010

com declaração digital de que cursou este curso.

    UNIT 1 Global Travel Agency
    LESSON 1 Verb to be- Affirmative, interrogative, negative; Wh-questions.
    LESSON 2 Possessives; Descriptions.
    LESSON 3 Where; preposition in; near, far from; numbers 1-100.
    LESSON 4 The alphabet; How do you spell...?; How old are you? What is your first, middle and last name? What's your full name? What's your phone number, address, ID number? Where are you from? What color is your hair? What color are your eyes?
    UNIT 2 A Shopping Spree
    LESSON 1 How much; Demonstrative pronouns; Numbers 101-1000 (Assíncrono).
    LESSON 2 Indefinite articles: a, an; Professions; Genitive, Whose
    LESSON 3 Titles; Family tree; Genitive (cont.).
    LESSON 4 What time is it now in ............? ; Morning, afternoon, and night; Am and pm.
    UNIT 3 This is my house
    LESSON 1 There is, there are, affirmative, interrogative and negative; Parts of the house; How many.
    LESSON 2 Countable and uncountable nouns; Some, any; Is there ...?, Are there ...?.
    LESSON 3 Many, much; A lot of, a little and a few.
    LESSON 4 How much, how many; Containers
    UNIT 4 What are you doing?
    LESSON 1 Plural; Prepositions: in, on, under, over, between, next to and behind; Definite article: the; Review indefinite articles: a, an.
    LESSON 2 Present continuous: affirmative.
    LESSON 3 Present continuous: negative and interrogative.
    LESSON 4 Can (ability): affirmative, negative, interrogative.
    UNIT 5 Eric's Day
    LESSON 1 Directions; City places; Linkers.
    LESSON 2 Days of the week; Prepositions: on, at. Simple present - Affirmative (I, you); Daily routine; Adverbs of frequency (never, always, sometimes, usually);
    LESSON 3 Simple present - Affirmative (3rd person-he, she); Adverbs of frequency (always, never, usually, sometimes)
    LESSON 4 Simple present : Negative form.
    UNIT 6 Does she live in Brazil?
    LESSON 1 Simple present - interrogative form; Short answers.
    LESSON 2 Adverbs of frequency: How often; Once a ..., twice a ..., three/ four/ five, times a.........every day, never.
    LESSON 3 Object Pronouns- me, you, her, him, it, you, us, them; Expressing feelings: love, hate, like, enjoy, dislike, appreciate.
    LESSON 4 Would like X Want; Use of " Some" in offerings.
    UNIT 7 How are you feeling?
    LESSON 1 Simple Present/ Present Continuous; Ordinal numbers.
    LESSON 2 Have to/ Has to.
    LESSON 3 Can/ May - Permission.
    LESSON 4 Health Vocabulary; Why/ Because.
    UNIT 8 What time will you go home?
    LESSON 1 Seasons.
    LESSON 2 Weather and clothes.
    LESSON 3 Going to.
    LESSON 4 Will- affirmative; Will- negative; Will- interrogative.
    UNIT 9 Where were you?
    LESSON 1 Past Tense of Verb To Be.
    LESSON 2 Verb To Be- Negative.
    LESSON 3 Verb To Be- Interrogative.
    UNIT 10 Did They Take You To The Party?
    LESSON 1 Simple past - regular verbs affirmative.
    LESSON 2 Simple past regular verbs negative.
    LESSON 3 Simple past regular verbs- interrogative.
    UNIT 11 We Didn't Drink Fruit Punch.
    LESSON 1 Simple past - regular verbs affirmative.
    LESSON 2 Simple past irregular verbs negative.
    LESSON 3 Simple past irregular verbs interrogative.
    LESSON 4 First, Then, After that ; Simple past - regular and irregular verbs.
    UNIT 12 What were they doing yesterday when the lights went out?
    LESSON 1 Past continuous- Affirmative.
    LESSON 2 Past Continuous- negative and interrogative.
    LESSON 3 Past continuous; Something, somebody, someone.
    LESSON 4 Can, could.
    UNIT 13 Brazil is such a beautiful country.
    LESSON 1 Should, Must.
    LESSON 2 May/ Might.
    LESSON 3 Adjectives.
    LESSON 4 Good at, Bad at; Which, What.
    UNIT 14 I am as happy as she.
    LESSON 1 So, Such; Comparatives.
    LESSON 2 Superlative.
    LESSON 3 As ... as, not as ... as.
    LESSON 4 Less than; the least.
    UNIT 15 What is Brazil like?
    LESSON 1 Be able to, Can/ Could.
    LESSON 2 One, ones; What is it like?
    LESSON 3 It takes; How Long... ?
    UNIT 16 I'm going by myself.
    LESSON 1 Feel Like; Someone/somebody, something, somewhere.
    LESSON 2 Anybody/anyone, anything, anywhere; reflexive pronouns.
    LESSON 3 By + Reflexive Pronouns.
    UNIT 17 We have just arrived.
    LESSON 1 Present perfect Affirmative, Simple Past, Recently and Lately.
    LESSON 2 Present Perfect + Just.
    LESSON 3 Present Perfect Interrogative; Have You Ever ...?
    LESSON 4 Present Perfect + For and Since.
    UNIT 18 How long have you been in the USA?
    LESSON 1 How Long ...?
    LESSON 2 Present Perfect Continuous.
    LESSON 3 First and Second Conditionals.
    UNIT 19 I wish I had studied more.
    LESSON 1 Past Perfect.
    LESSON 2 Past Perfect; Wish.
    LESSON 3 Wish + Past perfect.
    LESSON 4 Third Conditional.
    UNIT 20 Joey said he could help me.
    LESSON 1 Reported Speech- simple present, present continuous, can, could.
    LESSON 2 Reported speech; Say and tell; Ask; Whether, If.
    LESSON 3 -ED, - ING Adjectives.
    LESSON 4 Reported Speech. Simple Past, Present Perfect and Future.
    UNIT 21 I used to like her.
    LESSON 1 Another, other and others; Used to.
    LESSON 2 Be used to and get used to.
    LESSON 3 Could have.
    LESSON 4 Should have.

Conteúdo Programático do curso online Espanhol (sem aulas ao vivo)

Acesso grátis por 30 dias

Data de início: 02/12/2010

com declaração digital de que cursou este curso.

    Lección 1

    Lección 2

    Lección 3

    Lección 4

    Básico 1

    Unidad 1

    El Alfabeto / Saludos y Despedidas / Puntuación / Acento ortográfico

    Números (hasta 50)

    Meses del Año /
    Estaciones del Año

    Signos del Zodíaco

    Unidad 2

    Días de la Semana

    Pronombres Personales

    Estados del Ánimo


    Unidad 3

    Verbo SER

    Pesos y Medidas

    De compras

    Como describir a una persona

    Unidad 4

    Los Animales

    Expresiones para Presentarse

    Expresiones de Negación

    Artículos: Casos Especiales

    Básico 2

    Unidad 5

    Datos de Identifación

    Verbo ESTAR

    La Familia

    Los Gentilicios

    Unidad 6

    Singular y Plural

    Números (hasta 100)

    Masculino y Femenino

    Expresiones de Tiempo

    Unidad 7

    Informaciones Personales

    Invitar / Pedir / Aceptar

    de las Personas

    Expresiones de Lugar

    Unidad 8

    Partes del Cuerpo / Los Sentidos

    Los Colores

    Las Prendas de Vestir

    ¿Qué hora es?

    Básico 3

    Unidad 9

    Verbo TENER


    Expresiones (deseo, modo, cantidad, afirmación y negación)

    Como localizar un lugar

    Unidad 10


    Los Utensilios de Cocina y Mesa

    Otras Preposiciones


    Unidad 11

    Actividades Habituales

    Verbos Regulares en Presente



    Unidad 12

    Medios de Transporte

    Pedidos e Instrucciones

    Verbos en Pretérito Imperfecto


    Intermediario 1

    Unidad 13

    Uso de Muy / Mucho

    La Casa

    Los Muebles


    Unidad 14





    Unidad 15

    Partes del Coche

    Expresiones de Preferencia

    Verbos en Pretérito Indefinido


    Unidad 16

    Homónimos de Géneros Diferentes


    Irregularidades en Presente

    Irregularidades en Pretérito Indefinido

    Intermediario 2

    Unidad 17

    Los Alimentos

    Falsos Amigos

    Pronombres Demostrativos


    Unidad 18

    Números Ordinales

    Verbos Regulares en Futuro

    Uso de e/y - o/u

    Verbo PONER

    Unidad 19

    Verbo VENIR

    Imperativo Afirmativo

    Imperativo Negativo

    La Ciudad

    Unidad 20

    En el aeropuerto/En la estación/En la autopista


    ¿A qué hora?



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O Portal Educação possui uma equipe focada no trabalho de curadoria de conteúdo. Artigos em diversas áreas do conhecimento são produzidos e disponibilizados para profissionais, acadêmicos e interessados em adquirir conhecimento qualificado. O departamento de Conteúdo e Comunicação leva ao leitor informações de alto nível, recebidas e publicadas de colunistas externos e internos.

Portal Educação

UOL CURSOS TECNOLOGIA EDUCACIONAL LTDA, com sede na cidade de São Paulo, SP, na Alameda Barão de Limeira, 425, 7º andar - Santa Cecília CEP 01202-001 CNPJ: 17.543.049/0001-93